Vigor 3900
- Podrobnosti
- Kategória: Ethernet routery-sk
- Dátum uverejnenia
- Návštevy: 13416
Mohutný Ethernet firewall so 4x metalickými Gigabit WAN portami, 1x SFP portom a 2x USB 2.0 portami s vysokou úrovňou zabezpečenia. Router Vigor 3900 v sebe kombinuje mnoho vlastností s vysokou úžitkovou hodnotou vrátane možnosti vytvorenia až 500 VPN IPSec tunelov vrátane 200 SSL tunelov. Na strane LAN poskytuje 2x metalický Gigabit Ethernet port a 1x SFP zásuvka a podporuje až 50 VLAN sub-sietí. Na strane WAM poskytuje inteligentné rozloženie záťaže, náhradu pripojenia k internetu a zálohovanie systemu master/slave.
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Zaujímavé odkazy:
1. WAN protokol
- PPPoE, PPTP, DHCP klient, statická IP, L2TP, Ipv6
2. Multi WAN
Outbound policy based load balance
- Umožňuje pristupovať k internetu pomocou více internetových pripojení (napr. viac poskytovateľov) s výsokou úrovňou dostupnosti konektivity.
- 4x metalický Ethernet WAN port (10/100/1000Mbps) a 1x aktívna SFP zásuvka.
- WAN fail-over alebo load-balanced konektivita
- Redundance
- By WAN interfaces traffic volume
- By destination IP address range
- By fixed VPN connection
- Flexiblní nastavení pravidiel poolingu
- Auto-detekcia stavu linky
Bandwidth on demand
- Služba/IP pravidla alebo auto-vyvážovanie prietoku
3. VPN
Prevent Replay Attack
- PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec.
500 súčasných VPN spojení
- LAN to LAN, vzdialený prístup (teleworker-to-LAN), dial-in alebo dial-out.
VPN trunking
- VPN load-balancing a VPN backup.
priepustnosť VPN
- 900 Mbit/s
NAT-traversal (NAT-T)
- VPN over routes bez VPN pass-through.
- Digitálny podpis (X.509).
IKE authentication
- Predzdieľaný kľúč; IKE.
- Hardwarové MD5, SHA-1.
- MPPE a hardwarové AES/DES/3DES.
RADIUS klient
- Autentizace pro PPTP remote dial-in.
DHCP over IPSec *
- Funkciou virtuálnej sieťovej karty pre PC môže VPN klient v priebehu pripojovania k VPN serveru cez IPSec tunel, získať IP adresu zo vzdialenej strany od DHCP servera.
GRE over IPSec
- Vytváranie virtuálnych liniek point-to-point pre podporu rôznych značiek routerov a ich vzdialené pripojenie cez IP prostredie.
Dead Peer Detection (DPD)
- Pokud je mezi peery aktivní datový provoz, není nutné posílat data typu keep-alive pro ověření životnosti peera, protože provoz IPSec slouží nativně jako ověření dostupností peera.
Smart VPN software utility
- Utilita zdarma. Umožňuje vzdáleným pracovníkům pohodlné připojení k VPN firewalům DrayTek v prostředí Windows s možností dalších nastavení.
Úspora nákladov a jednoduchá implementácia
- Nieje potrebné platiť žiadne VPN licencie pre VPN klientov.
Štandardná interoperabilita
- Výsoká kompatibilita s ďalšími značkami produkujucmií VPN firewally / routery.
- Umožňuje užívateľom používať bežný prehliadač internetu pre bezpečný vzdialený prístup do firemných sietí v režímoch: tunel, aplikačný mód, a proxy
- Podpora až 100 SSL tunelov súčasne
5. Content filter (Obsahový filter)
Blokovanie IM/P2P
- Blokovanie súborov typu: Java applet, cookies, activeX, komprimovaných súborov, spustiteľných súborov, multimediálnych súborov.
Web content filter (filter webového obsahu)
- Dynamické filtrovanie UR Lv reálnom čase pomocou výsoko profesionálnych databáz.
Kontrola podľa časového plánu *
- Nastavení pravidel podľa časových požiadaviek (napr. úradné hodiny, otvaracia doba, a pod.)
6. Firewall
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
- Kontrola príchozích a odchozích dát založená na informáciach o spojení.
- Môžete mať alokováných viac verejných IP adries poskytnutých vašim operátorom. Dokonca môžete mať spojenú verejnú IP adresu s lokálnol (privátnou) IP adresou. To znamená, že môžete využívať ochranu pomocou NAT, ale PC bude prímo adresováné na verejnú adresu IP aliasu a pritom stále bude otevrovať požadované porty.
Presmerovanie portu (Port redirection)
- Pakety sú presmerované na špecifické PC iba ak sa číslo portu zhoduje s definovaným portom.
DMZ host
- Jednoducho vystaví kompletne celé PC do internetu. Všetky prívhodzie pakety sú presmerované do PC na lokálnej IP adrese.
IP filtr s definiciou pravidel
- Hlavné informácie o pakete (IP alebo MAC source/destination addresses; source /destination ports; DiffServ attribute; direction dependent, bandwidth dependent, remote-site dependent).
DoS/DDoS ochrana
- Aktivna ochrana zákazníkov, uživateľov, klientov alebo ďalších PC proti prístupu k dátam na počítačoch.
IP address anti-spoofing
- Zdrojové IP adresy sú kontrolované na všetkych rozhraniach a iba IP adresy zaradené v rámci definovaných IP sietí sú povolené.
- upozornenie na e-mail a logovanie cez SysLog.
Väzba IP adresy na MAC adresu
- Flexibilné DHCP s 'väzbou IP-MAC'.
7. Správa systému
Webové rozhranie (HTTP)
- Integrovaný web server pre nastavovanie routera cez webový prehliadač.
Rychlý sprievodca po štarte
- Umožní administrátorovi rýchle nastaviť časovú zónu a pripojenie k internetu (PPPoE, PPTP, Statická IP, DHCP).
Správa užívateľov
- Správa Dial-in prístupov (PPTP/L2TP a mOTP) .
CLI (Command Line Interface, Telnet/SSH)
- Vzdialená správa cez telnet.
DHCP klient/relay/server
- Umožňuje jednoducho nastaviť funkcie vašej lokálnej IP siete.
Dynamické DNS
- Ak sa pripajate k poskytovateľovi internetu tak obyčajne dostanete dynamickú IP adresu. Ak neplatíte za pevnú IP adresu, tak sa táto po nejakom čase zmení. Pre takýto prípad môžete využiť funkciu Dyn.DNS a pomocou registracie na Dyn.DNS.Server si môžete zabezpečiť aby aktuálna IP adresa parovaná s pevnou URL adresou.
Kontrola prístupu pre administrátorov
- administrátor bude mať vlastné heslo.
Záloha / Obnovenie konfigurácie
- V prípade stráty konfigurácie môžete nastavenie hardwaru jednoducho a rýchlo obnoviť.
Vstávané diagnostické funkcie
- Dial-out trigger, routing table, ARP cache table, DHCP table, NAT sessions table, data flow monitor, traffic graph, ping diagnosis, trace route.
NTP klient/call scheduling
- Vigor má vstávané hodiny, prípadne je možné automatický aktualizovať čas z internetu (NTP). Správny čas je základ. Potom pomocou funkcie plánovača, môžete plánovať časy spustenia alebo vypnutia WAN, pravidiel Firewallu či obsahovéhu filtra (WCF), LAN-to-LAN VPN, atd.
Tag-based VLAN (802.1Q)
- By means of using a VLAN ID, a tag-based VLAN can identify VLAN group membership. The VLAN ID provides the information required to process the traffic across a network. Furthermore, the VLAN ID associates traffic with a specific VLAN group.
Firmware upgrade cez TFTP/HTTP
- Using the TFTP server and the firmware upgrade utility software, you may easily upgrade to the latest firmware whenever enhanced features are added.
Vzdálená údržba
- Pomocou Telnet/SSL, SSH (s heslom a verejným kľúčom), browser (HTTP/HTTPS), TFTP alebo SNMP, aktualizácia firmwaru cez HTTP alebo TFTP.
Logovanie cez syslog
- Syslog je metoda logovania aktivity routerov.
SNMP management
- SNMP management přes SNMP v1/v2, MIB II.
VigorACS SI Centralized Management
- TR-069
8. Certificate management
Advance encrypted method
- A pair of public/priviate key for encryption/decryption.
Comprehensive Certificate Authentication
- Trusted CA / Local Certificate / CA server.
9. Bandwidth management
Traffic shaping
- Dynamický bandwidth management s IP traffic shaping.
Bandwidth reservation
- Reserve minimum and maximum bandwidths by connection based or total data through send/ receive directions.
DiffServ codepoint classifying
- Priority queuing of packets based on DiffServ.
Individual IP bandwidth/session limitation
- Define session /bandwidth limitation based on IP address.
User-defined class-based rules
- More flexibility.
- Ingress/Egress Filter Rules monitor both LAN/WAN packets / 8 priority level setting.
10. Routing functions
- IP and NetBIOS/IP-multi-protocol router.
Advanced routing and forwarding
- Complete independent management and configuration of IP networks in the device, i.e. individual settings for DHCP, DNS, firewall, VLAN, routing, QoS etc.
- DNS cache/proxy.
- DHCP client/relay/server.
- NTP client, automatic adjustment for daylight-saving time.
Dynamic routing
- It is with routing protocol of RIP v2. Learning and propagating routes.
Static routing
- An instruction to re-route particular traffic through to another local gateway, instead of sending it onto the Internet with the rest of the traffic. A static route is just like a 'diversion sign' on a road.
11. Vysoká dostupnost (High availability)
- Common address redundancy protocol.
- Rozšírená bezpečnosť pomocou šifrovaných paketov.
12. Hardware
- 2 x 10/100/1000M Base-TX LAN switch, RJ-45
- 1 x activní fiber (SFP) slot
- 4 x 10/100/1000M Base-TX WAN switch, RJ-45
- 1 x activní fiber (SFP) slot
- 1 x konsole, RJ-45
- 1 x tlačídlo factory reset
- 2 x USB 2.0
13. Podpora
- 2 roky
Aktualizacie firmwaru
- Zdarma z internetu
13. Prehlášenie o zhode
WAN protokol | |
Ethernet | PPPoE, PPTP, DHCP client, statická IP, L2TP*, Ipv6 |
Multi WAN | |
Outbound policy based load balance | Allow your local network to access Internet using multiple Internet connections with high-level of Internet connectivity availability. |
4 dedicated Ethernet WAN ports (10/100/1000Mbps) and 1 active fiber (SFP) slot. | |
WAN fail-over or load-balanced connectivity. | |
Redundancy. | |
By WAN interfaces traffic volume. | |
By destination IP address range. | |
By fixed VPN connection. | |
Flexible pooling rule setting. | |
Auto-detect line status. | |
Service/IP based preference rules or auto-weight. | |
Bandwidth on demand | Service/IP based preference rules or auto-weight |
VPN | |
Prevent Replay Attack | |
Protocols | PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec. |
Up to 500 connections simultaneously | LAN to LAN, remote access (teleworker-to-LAN), dial-in or dial-out. |
VPN trunking | VPN load-balancing and VPN backup. |
VPN throughput | 760Mbps. |
NAT-traversal (NAT-T) | VPN over routes without VPN pass-through. |
PKI certificate | Digital signature (X.509). |
IKE authentication | Pre-shared key; IKE. |
Authentication | Hardware-based MD5, SHA-1. |
Encryption | MPPE and hardware-based AES/DES/3DES. |
RADIUS client | Authentication for PPTP remote dial-in. |
DHCP over IPSec* | Because DrayTek add a virtual NIC on the PC, thus, while connecting to the server via IPSec tunnel, PC will obtain an IP address from the remote side through DHCP protocol, which is quite similar with PPTP. |
GRE over IPSec | Creating a virtual point-to-point link to various brands of routers at remote sites over an IP internetwork. |
Dead Peer Detection (DPD) | When there is traffic between the peers, it is not necessary for one peer to send a keep-alive to check for liveness of the peer because the IPSec traffic serves as implicit proof of the availability of the peer. |
Smart VPN software utility | Provided free of charge for teleworker convenience (Windows environment). |
Easy of adoption | No additional client or remote site licensing required. |
Industrial-standard interoperability | Compatible with other leading 3rd party vendor VPN devices. |
Allow users to use a web browser for secure remote user login tunnel mode, application mode, proxy mode | |
Support 200 SSL tunnels* | |
Content filter (Obsahový filtr) |
IM/P2P blocking | Java applet, cookies, active X, compressed, executable, multimedia file blocking. Web content filter |
Web content filter | Dynamic URL filtering database. |
Time schedule control* | Set rule according to your specific office hours. |
Firewall | |
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) | Outgoing/Incoming traffic inspection based on connection information. |
Multi-NAT | You have been allocated multiple public IP address by your ISP. You hence can have a one-to-one relationship between a public IP address and an internal/private IP address. This means that you have the protection of NAT (see earlier) but the PC can be addressed directly from the outside world by its aliased public IP address, but still by only opening specific ports to it (for example TCP port 80 for an http/web server). |
Port redirection | The packet is forwarded to a specific local PC if the port number matches with the defined port number. You can also translate the external port to another port locally. |
DMZ host | This opens up a single PC completely. All incoming packets will be forwarded onto the PC with the local IP address you set. The only exceptions are packets received in response to outgoing requests from other local PCs or incoming packets which match rules in the other two methods. |
Policy-based IP packet filter | The header information of an IP packet (IP or Mac source/destination addresses; source /destination ports; DiffServ attribute; direction dependent, bandwidth dependent, remote-site dependent. |
DoS/DDoS prevention | Act of preventing customers, users, clients or other computers from accessing data on a computer. |
IP address anti-spoofing | Source IP address check on all interfaces only IP addresses classified within the defined IP networks are allowed. |
Notification | E-mail alert* and logging via syslog. |
Bind IP to MAC address | Flexible DHCP with 'IP-MAC binding'. |
Správa systému | |
Web-based user interface (HTTP) | Integrated web server for the configuration of routers via Internet browsers with HTTP. Quick start wizard |
Quick start wizard | Let administrator adjust time zone and promptly set up the Internet (PPPoE, PPTP, Static IP, DHCP). |
User management | Dial-in access management (PPTP/L2TP and mOTP) . |
CLI(Command Line Interface, Telnet/SSH) | Remotely administer computers via the telnet. |
DHCP client/relay/server | Provides an easy-to configure function for your local IP network. |
Dynamic DNS | When you connect to your ISP, by broadband or ISDN you are normally allocated an dynamic IP address. i.e. the public IP address your router is allocated changes each time you connect to the ISP. If you want to run a local server, remote users cannot predict your current IP address to find you. |
Administration access control | The password can be applied to authentication of administrators. |
Configuration backup/restore | If the hardware breaks down, you can recover the failed system within an acceptable time. Through TFTP, the effective way is to backup and restore configuration between remote hosts. |
Built-in diagnostic function | Dial-out trigger, routing table, ARP cache table, DHCP table, NAT sessions table, data flow monitor, traffic graph, ping diagnosis, trace route. |
NTP client/call scheduling | The Vigor has a real time clock which can update itself from your browser manually or more conveniently automatically from an Internet time server (NTP). This enables you to schedule the router to dial-out to the Internet at a preset time, or restrict Internet access to certain hours. A schedule can also be applied to LAN-to-LAN profiles (VPN or direct dial) or some of the content filtering options. |
Tag-based VLAN (802.1Q) | By means of using a VLAN ID, a tag-based VLAN can identify VLAN group membership. The VLAN ID provides the information required to process the traffic across a network.Furthermore, the VLAN ID associates traffic with a specific VLAN group. |
Firmware upgrade via TFTP/HTTP | Using the TFTP server and the firmware upgrade utility software, you may easily upgrade to the latest firmware whenever enhanced features are added. |
Remote maintenance | With Telnet/SSL, SSH (with password or public key), browser (HTTP/HTTPS), TFTP or SNMP, firmware upgrade via HTTP or TFTP. |
Logging via syslog | Syslog is a method of logging router activity. |
SNMP management | SNMP management via SNMP v1/v2, MIB II. |
VigorACS SI Centralized Management | TR-069 based |
Správa Certifikátů | |
Advance encrypted method | A pair of public/priviate key for encryption/decryption. |
Comprehensive Certificate Authentication | Trusted CA / Local Certificate / CA server. |
Bandwidth management | |
Bandwidth management | Dynamic bandwidth management with IP traffic shaping. |
Bandwidth reservation | Reserve minimum and maximum bandwidths by connection based or total data through send/ receive directions. |
DiffServ codepoint classifying | Priority queuing of packets based on DiffServ. |
Individual IP bandwidth/session limitation | Define session /bandwidth limitation based on IP address. |
User-defined class-based rules | More flexibility. |
QoS | Ingress/Egress Filter Rules monitor both LAN/WAN packets / 8 priority level setting. |
Routovací funkce | |
Router | IP and NetBIOS/IP-multi-protocol router. |
Advanced routing and forwarding | Complete independent management and configuration of IP networks in the device, i.e. individual settings for DHCP, DNS, firewall, VLAN, routing, QoS etc. |
DNS | DNS cache/proxy. |
DHCP | DHCP client/relay/server. |
NTP | NTP client, automatic adjustment for daylight-saving time. |
Dynamic routing | It is with routing protocol of RIP v2. Learning and propagating routes. |
Static routing | An instruction to re-route particular traffic through to another local gateway, instead of sending it onto the Internet with the rest of the traffic. A static route is just like a 'diversion sign' on a road. |
Vysoká dostupnost (High availability) | |
CARP | Common address redundancy protocol. |
Enhanced security with encrypted packet. | |
Hardware | |
LAN | 2 x 10/100/1000M Base-TX LAN switch, RJ-45 |
1 x active fiber (SFP) slot | |
WAN | 4 x 10/100/1000M Base-TX WAN switch, RJ-45 |
1 x active fiber (SFP) slot | |
Console | 1 x console, RJ-45 |
Reset | 1 x factory reset button |
USB | 2 x USB host 2.0 |
Podpora | |
Warranty | 2-year limited warranty, technical support through e-mail and Internet FAQ/application notes. |
Firmware upgrade | Free firmware upgrade from Internet. |
Prohlášení o shodě | |
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Podnikový VPN firewall vhodný pre Centrálu
Vysoká dostupnosť (High Availability)
Správa uživatelů v síti
VPN trunking
Aktuálne informácie o produktoch série Vigor 2760 Delight
• CSM (Content Security Management) pro IM / P2P aplikace a URL / Web content filter (filtr obsahu webu)
• Objektově orientovaný Firewall
• SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) (Flow Track)
• DoS / DDoS ochrana
• IP Address Anti-spoofing
• Upozornění na definovaný E-mail a logování přes utilitu syslog
• Bind IP to MAC (vazba IP na MAC)
• Filtrování MAC adres
• Time Schedule Control (funkce plánovače)
6. USB
• 3.5G (HSDPA) jako druhý WAN port
• Sdílení tiskáren
• File systém:
o Podpora formátů FAT32 / FAT16 file system
o Podpora FTP funkcí pro sdílení souborů
o Podpora Samby pro sdílení souborů Windows
7. Bandwidth Management
• QoS :
o Zaručená šírka pásma pro VoIP
o Garance šírky pásma pomocí uživatelem definovaných kategorií provozu
o DiffServ code point classifying
o 4-úrovňová priorita pro každý směr (odchozí / příchozí)
o Bandwidth Borrowed
• Bandwidth / limitace session
• Layer-2 (802.1p) a Layer-3 (TOS / DSCP) QoS mapování *
8. Network Management
• Webové rozhraní (HTTP / HTTPS)
• Rychlý průvodce startem
• CLI (Command Line Interface, Telnet / SSH)
• Zálohování / obnovení konfigarace
• Vestavěné diagnostické funkce
• Upgrade firmwaru přes TFTP / FTP / HTTP / TR-069
• Logování přes syslog
• SNMP Mmanagement MIB-II
• Management Session Time Out
• 2-úrovňová správa (Admin/User)
• TR-069 Management
• TR-104 Management
9. Content Security Management
• IM/P2P aplikace V3 (APP Enforcement)
• URL Content Filter :
o URL blokování klíčových slov (White List a Black List)
o Java Applet, Cookies, Active X
o Blokování souborů, např. komprimovaných, .exe, multimediálních
o Výjímka na podsítě
• Time Schedule Control (funkce plánovače)GlobalView Web Content Filter (Powered by ) *
10. Síťové funkce
• Packet Forwarding Acceleration
• DHCP klient/Relay/Server
• DHCP Option
• Dynamic DNS
• NTP klient
• Call Scheduling
• RADIUS klient
• DNS Cache/Proxy
• UPnP 30 Sessions
• Routovací protokol:
o Statické routování
o RIP V2
• Multi Subnet LAN
• VLAN tagování (802.1q) na WAN
11. Prohlášení o shodě